Wednesday, December 30, 2015

End of December Slump Or Relief?

Oh my, it is the end of December 2015, and only a day before the new year begins. No regrets - one promise: to eat healthier and lose weight.
So glad Christmas is over.  Everyone spent too much money on everyone.  Yet, the shopping and eating were great fun.  Everyone was happy and merry.  Parties and joy abounded for the whole month. Now it is on the other things.
Hey, I am ready for spring.  That's not happening for sure.  I anticipate
the coming of snow and much colder weather, because the farmers almanac said it would be rough going from now til March 2016.   Texas sure got it all, floods, blizzards, tornadoes.  It's probably coming our ways folks despite what the weatherman says.
Football season is almost at an end, yea!!  There is so much football, my hubby has become a couch potato on Mon, Thurs., Sat and Sunday.
He stays glued to the tube with only brief intermissions to eat, smoke a cigar (outside of course) and walk the dog.  Oh, of course there is letting the cats in and out.  A routine occurrence in our house.  Cats and Dog rule. 

Well everyone, I am wishing you a very "Happy New Year."  With all the blessings that God has planned for you.  Sit back and enjoy.
Keep The faith, your friend, Cooky (aka Lora).

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