Sunday, June 23, 2013

Whats With This?

      Whats With This?  Weather and politics scare me.  It's mainly, because weather causes such ongoing disasters worldwide and politicians are making more disaster by stealing us blind.  All this is making life, living, working, playing and paying our bills very difficult in this day and age.  Of course, history repeats itself, but can add up to a lot of intimidation and hardship for some folks. 
      Medicare for example is so screwed up, fleecing artists advertise on television that, "if you have medicare..." they can give you a better medical item such as diabetes equipment and supplies.  They will even bill medicare for us.  Of course, we don't know how much they bill medicare for something that our primary health insurance can provide easy enough, if they want to. 
       Dental care is expensive and elusive to some of us who cannot afford it.  My dental care went from nine dollars a month to well over one-hundred dollars per month.  However, they still only provide fifty percent payment for  "some" procedures.  Dental care is not covered in my health care plan.  That's terrible, because health plans push preventive medicine as a cure all but forget about our teeth as a source of illness in our bodies.    It has been a proven fact that bad teeth can erase any preventive treatments available, causing havoc in our bodies, making us sick as dogs.  Mention this to a physician and they say well yes, the plan doesn't cover anything but x-rays and cleaning.  My husband was quoted eleven-thousand to fix his teeth. Does medicare do any better at helping provide much needed low cost dental care?  Cat and Dogs who are provided free or low-cost spay and neutering have a far better change at being healthier than humans with bad teeth.    
     My brother-in-law, bless his dear soul, called to report flooding due to two rising rivers from extreme rain  in Calgary, AL.  His nephew's family had to evacuate to higher ground.  In fact, over 100,000 people there had to take shelter where ever they could find it, because of the overflow of the two rivers that run through that city according to the newspaper.  Its good that we do get some information down here in the USA regarding our northern neighbors.  Not to mention that their prime minister is as crooked as the many politicians around D.C. and Virginia to mention a few places.   Elected officials should not take advantage of their position to fleece the people and the government in any country, but they surely do make quite a business of breaking the law.  The courts give them a slap on the hand or a jail sentence the equivalent of a paid vacation for retribution.    
         I'm still struggling to understand how medicare combined with new government health care, run by the the IRS, will help me and millions of other old folks get better health care.   A long with hurricane force winds, tornadoes and/or drought making life miserable for many, disasters and bad health care, along with just  plain hot, muggy weather adds to a miserable existence for many of us.    Fire and lightening strikes are causing havoc to our forest.  Mud slides and rain are ruining homes and changing coastal lines and killing crops.     Slapping on the sun-screen to protect ourselves against skin cancer is a must all over world.  The hot sun, floods, and fire spread havoc to our forest and near by communities.   A lot has to change before life will get better, if it ever does.  Take care, keep the faith that thing will improve! 
Your friend, Cooky :)

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