Friday, March 11, 2016

March Madness - 2016

March madness is about many things.  However, weather, Easter, st. patricks' day and birthdays are top on my list. Politicians running for president is next.  Then there are birthdays to get through.
 The weather jumps from being a snowy, cold day to a hot, air conditioner day in just a few hours.  
We now have our air conditioner running with the rise in temperatures.   It was over sixty-five degrees many days in the beginning of the month.  Now its mid-month and feels like we skipped spring and went right on in to summer.  On the other hand, I have experienced a snow fall of some kind in March and again in April. One never knows until it actually comes what will happen to the weather.  Other countries are experiencing floods and hurricane type weather.  Tornado's are prevalent, as well, in our own states.  

Easter weighs heavy on my mind. It is a time of our Lord's rising from being crucified.  That should be happy, however, Easter was named after a pagan god.  It is now so commercialized.  Still it is awesome to be able to make candy baskets and watch old and new religious movies on television.  In addition, old memories of cook outs in the park or in my grandmother's back yard come to mind.

 It was an traditional event every year for our family.   I remember my grandmother would make a beautifully mixed pastel-colors of sweetened, cooked rice.  She called it glorified rice.  I never could make it like she could.  She would make all six of us kids, some sort of an Easter basket or box or container.  Only now do I realize how nice it was for her to have us to do crafts for and vice verse.  I remember that we used to go to the nearby park during Easter weekend for our cook outs and Easter egg hunts.    Hot dogs were roasted over an open fire and tasted so delicious.  I also remember being cold and shivering in my new Easter outfit that was basically a short set of some kind.  Easter was supposed to be warm weather, but it wasn't always warm.  As my grandmother and her daughter, my aunt, got older we continued the Easter tradition of roasting hot dogs over an open fire in her beautiful back yard at the edge of her flower garden. It was nice and because we were older, we enjoyed it more and dressed warmer if it was cold.

My aunt initiated wonderful trips to the zoo in the summer for our family. She would pack everyone a lunch and say it tasted better than the stuff sold at the zoo for exurbanite prices.  Once our bellies were full, we didn't care.  Plenty of water fountains around for cooling off and of course, the animals were spectacular to look at.

Speaking of youngest daughter and my grandson share the same birthday date.  She is thirty-eight and my grandson turns sweet sixteen.  My does time go fast.  Then on St. Patrick's Day, my daughter-in-law was born.  Green punch and paper leprechauns along with Easter decorations are plentiful in her home on that day.  

All in all it is a promising month with spring just around the corner. I am so glad that I have survived another year to enjoy the earth and traditions. Only a couple more weeks of March to get through before we jump into April.  take care and Enjoy,
Always, your friend, Cooky. :) 

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